I picked up this book because I have the author's first book on a list of things I want to read. The library didn't have it, but it had this and the picture of Chaplin on the front was intriguing. Unfortunately, for me, this book did not live up to its cover. I think LOST has ruined me for a certain type of story-telling. At this point divergent stories that diverge (or converge) just don't intrigue me that much, at least not where the majority of the characters aren't compelling or worse like PFC Hugo Black just down right unlikable. And that was the main problem with this novel. In a way it's an interesting take on the WWI world and the beginnings of Hollywood and America and Americans finding their place in the broader world. But none of the storylines or characters gripped me, and so with only 100 pages left I still felt like I could walk away from the book and be just as satisfied as if I finished it. Unfortunately I was right.
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